A graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Hervé Zwirn holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics. After teaching at the University of Paris Diderot, he was Director of Research at the CNRS and headed the Athéna Thematic Valorisation Consortium, an organisation in charge of promoting research carried out in French human and social sciences laboratories. He is currently President of the Collège de Physique et de Philosophie and a research associate at the Centre de Mathématiques de l’École Normale Supérieure de Paris-Saclay. His main research areas are the foundations of quantum physics, the modelling of reasoning and the mathematics of complex systems. He has published numerous articles and several books, including ‘Les limites de la connaissance’ (Odile Jacob, 2000), which was awarded a prize by the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, ‘Les systèmes complexes’ (Odile Jacob, 2006), ‘Philosophie de la mécanique quantique’ (J. Bricmont and H. Zwirn, Vuibert, 2009), ‘Qu’on appelle aujourd’hui les sciences de la complexité?’ (G. Weisbuch and H. Zwirn, Vuibert, 2010) and ‘Le monde quantique’ (B. d’Espagnat and H. Zwirn, Editions Matériologiques, 2014).
Contemporary physics has fundamentally challenged many of our intuitive conceptions. This is already the case for our conceptions of space and time with relativity, but this challenge goes even further with quantum mechanics. If we take its formalism literally, it is the very concept of reality that is challenged. The notion of a physical object with well-defined properties, existing independently of any observer, is incompatible with quantum theory. So what image of the world around us should we adopt?
It seems clear to everyone that a physical system subject to chance, or whose behavior is governed by extremely complicated rules, will not be predictable: knowing its future behavior will be impossible. On the other hand, it seems intuitive that a system governed by a small number of very simple and entirely deterministic rules (i.e. in which chance plays no part) will behave in a way that can be predicted fairly easily. Surprisingly, this is not the case! There are simple, fully deterministic systems for which, however, it is impossible to predict their behavior.
Complex systems” are omnipresent in the real world, from a computer network such as the Internet, to the brain, a traffic jam, a human population or a galaxy. Yet their general and systematic study, which attempts to identify their commonalities beyond their diversity, is relatively recent. Distinguishing between complicated and complex systems, identifying the type of “holistic” behavior that characterizes them, detecting and understanding the global emergent properties that result from the interactions between their constituents - all this is part of what we now call the sciences of complexity.