Conference, improvisation,
round table

Brainers share knowledge, expertise, culture and points of view

To explore a topic you're passionate about
Reflect on a problem of concern to the company or organization
Gather ideas and points of view on an issue that matters
Exploring possibilities through interdisciplinarity
Meet some outstanding personalities
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In 2023, life expectancy at birth worldwide is estimated at around 73 years. You have less than 0.3 seconds per person if you want to meet them all.

Solo conference

Making sense of what the sciences tell us

Improvisation session

Generate ideas in response to a question

Round-table discussion

Dealing with an issue in a interdisciplinary manner
KnowledgeWhat science tells us
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The exact sciences and the humanities are invaluable tools for understanding the world around us, as well as the world we don't perceive. Where do we stand? Each answer raises a new question.
ExpertiseTo review the state of the art
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Virtually perfect mastery of a particular discipline or subject implies consistency and rigor. It's a matter of constantly practicing, of regularly confronting an environment that has become familiar. Analyzing interactions with external elements is also part of expertise.
CultureWhat's being thought and done elsewhere
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Is creation ex-nihilo? Cultural heritage and the transmission of know-how have an impact on our gestures, and play a part in shaping our projects. The plurality of worlds and experiences is what makes humanity so rich. Discovery, exchange and sharing are powerful driving forces.
IdeasAt the crossroads
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An idea is furtive. When, by chance, the mind grasps it, all that remains is to protect it. An idea is fragile. It's easily dismissed as utopian or, more basically, a bad idea. It doesn't belong to anyone, contrary to the claims of those who are convinced it came from them. An idea emerges at the crossroads of several paths, each of which led nowhere.
Pont of viewBackground and diversity
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Experience, expertise and sensitivity are all it takes to have at least one point of view. Sometimes just one of these ingredients will do the trick. By moving or standing still, you can look from afar, up close, change angles and change your mind. What counts are points of view, however numerous and divergent they may be.